Hi Friends you know why your dua/wazifa not work, please read it and know 7 Powerful Rules of Doing Any Dua or Wazifa. Are you performing or going to start any dua or wazifa? If so, do you know there are some rules for doing any dua or wazifa? Well, every special dua or wazifa has its limitations and condition set to fulfill your desire you want to ask for Allah. It is mandatory to follow all the precautions and rules of doing any dua or wazifa; otherwise, it may harm or backfire on the person performing wazifa or dua. So, let’s check out all the rules of doing any dua or wazifa.
The 7 Powerful Rules of Doing Any Dua or Wazifa Are Explained Below:
Allah has solved every problem in the Holy Qur’an for us. But, a person has to put his efforts and faith and follow all the rules of doing any dua or wazifa that are explained below:
- Pray 5 times a day and other obligations: It is always necessary to pray Salah (Namaz) 5 times a day with all your heart and punctuality while following all the other Islamic obligations, such as feeding the poor or orphans, giving Zakat, and fasting in the month of Ramadan.
2. The legitimacy of Hajat/ your desire should be Halal: The second and most essential rule of doing any dua or wazifa is that your Hajat or wish should be legitimate/Halal. For example, if you’re doing it with any wrong intention, like marrying a person who is already married and you want to make their divorce, then it wouldn’t work for you. Even it may harm you for asking such dua from the Almighty. Always remember that Allah never fulfills wrong desires.
3. Correct recitation: Always be careful in reciting the Quranic verse correctly. It is another most important rule of doing any dua or wazifa. However, if you do it wrong, it may backfire.
4. Halal income: The following rules of doing any dua or wazifa is that you must possess 100% halal income. Therefore, avoiding every haram earning, especially Ribaa (Interest), is important.
5. Have faith in Allah: A person performing any dua or wazifa should have faith in Allah that his Almighty will definitely listen to him and rewards him back. Otherwise, the dua will not work.
6. Doing repentance and astaghfar: It is always necessary to ask forgiveness from Allah for the sins that we commit each day, intentionally or unintentionally. Fewer the sins, the higher the expectations of fulfilling desires by Allah.
7. Complete the wazifa: One of the essential rules of doing any dua or wazifa is that if you start performing any dua or wazifa, it is mandatory to complete it. If you follow the process for two or three days, leave it, and again start doing it after a few days, it will be useless.
These All Are 7 Powerful Rules of Doing Any Dua or Wazifa and you must need to read all carefully before do any dua/wazifa. If you have any query then feel free contact me.
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#7 #Powerful